License agreement for using the MeetPnt program for mobile devices.

1.General terms

1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License or Agreement) sets forth the conditions for using the MeetPnt program for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the "Program" or "Application") and is concluded between any person using the Program (hereinafter referred to as the User) and LLC "Sreda Capital", OGRN 1187746913067, TIN 7716924750, address: Izumrudnaya St., building 13, building 2, building 1, room 1, building 2, office. 7, Moscow, 129281 (e-mail:, which is the copyright holder of exclusive rights to the Program (hereinafter - the "Company" or "Copyright Holder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on your mobile device or using the Program in any manner, the User expresses its full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this License.

1.3. Use of the Program is permitted only under the terms of this License. If the User does not accept the terms of the License in full, the User is not entitled to use the Program for any purpose. Using the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the terms of this License is prohibited.

1.4. Using the Program on the terms and methods which are not provided for by this License is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder.

1.5. Using the Program, the User agrees that when updating the Program, the provisions of the License can be changed by the Copyright Holder without any special notice, the new edition of the documents comes into force from the moment they are published, unless otherwise provided by the edition itself.

1.6. The Copyright Holder can provide the User with a translation of this License from Russian into other languages, however, in case of a conflict between the terms of the License in Russian and its translation, the exclusively Russian version of the License has legal force.

1.7. If the User does not agree with this agreement, as well as with the terms and conditions of the Company's privacy policy and the rules for using the Application and does not want to comply with them, then he should not install the Application, but should immediately remove it and / or any of its components from a mobile phone and not use By application. Otherwise, the user will be deemed to have consented unconditionally to all terms, conditions and information set forth in this agreement.

2. Program Rights (Appendix)

2.1. The Company is the sole owner of the Application and the documentation related to it. Any intellectual property rights in the Application and related to the Application belong to this Company. Any intellectual property rights (including copyright, trade secret, trademarks, patents, etc.) arising from the Application, concluded in it, related to it, connected with it or assigned to it, belong solely to the Company.

3. License

3.1. The Company provides the User, and the User accepts a personal, non-exclusive, non-commercial limited license without the right to transfer, sublicense, and also provides the User with a non-transferable right to use the Program on the territory of all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. Use the Program for its intended purpose, for which purpose it is copied and installed (played) on the user's mobile device (s). The user has the right to install the program on an unlimited number of mobile devices.

3.1.2. Reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

3.2. Unless otherwise specifically indicated in the text of this Agreement, the User shall not, without the prior written consent of the Company:

• use, modify, embed in other software or combine with it, create a revised version of any part of the Application;
• sell, issue licenses (sublicenses), lease, assign, transfer, pledge the rights of this Agreement to third parties or share such rights with them;
• copy, distribute or reproduce the Application in the interests of third parties;
• to publish the results of any comparative analysis regarding the Application, use the above results for the User's own competing software development activities;
• modify, disassemble, decompile, decrypt, disassemble into component codes, process or improve the Application, try to get the source code of the Application program, create derivative works using the Application.

3.3. The Company under this Agreement is not required to provide support, maintenance, updates, modifications or new versions of the Application. However, from time to time the company may release updates for applications and automatically by electronic communication to update its version installed on the mobile device or the user's computer. The user agrees to such an automatic update, and also accepts that the terms and conditions of this Agreement will be valid for the specified updates.

3.4. The right to use the application after the User's registration is an exclusive and non-transferable. The User is fully responsible for actions performed by third parties using the Application, as well as for damage caused by third parties, including damage caused to the Application and / or Company.

3.5. The application is provided without a quality guarantee, does not imply any warranties, express or implied. The Company does not warrant that the Application will comply with the requirements of the User, and also that the operation (functioning) of the Application will be uninterrupted and error-free. In cases established by law, the Company openly declares its disclaimer of any direct warranties, including, but not limited to, the guarantee of the purity of property rights and the absence of violation of rights, as well as any implied warranties, including, but not limited to, indirect warranties of commercial suitability and suitability for a particular application. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, applicability or reliability of the results obtained during the use of the Application or any data and information downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Application. The User assumes the responsibility to download, otherwise obtain information through the application at his own risk and at his own discretion, while the Company cannot be lodged with claims for damage received by the User or in relation to the property of the User.

3.6. The license to use the application on the mobile device in accordance with the conditions specified in the text of this Agreement is indefinite and may be at any time completely canceled by the Company.

4. Special provisions of agreement

4.1. The performance of some functions of the Program is possible only with access to the Internet. User himself receives and pays for such access on terms and at rates your service provider or the provider of Internet access.

5. Personal data

5.1The User gives the Rightholder consent to the processing by the Company of his personal data, namely to perform, including the following actions: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, depersonalization, blocking and destruction, as using, and without the use of automation, personal data. Personal data is provided to identify the User in order to use the Application, improve the security of using the Application, restore lost access to the Application, improve the operation of the Application in order to compile analytical and statistical reports, as well as to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program may collect anonymized (without reference to the User's personal data) statistics on the use of the Program and automatically transfer them to the Copyright Holder.

5.3. The list of possible processed personal data:

• Full Name;
• Date of Birth;
• Image;
• E-mail address;
• phone number.

5.4. This consent to the processing of personal data is unlimited.

6. License Responsibility

6.1. The program is provided "as is" (as is). The Copyright Holder does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program or its individual components and / or functions, the compliance of the Program with the specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the accuracy, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, nor does it provide any other guarantees not expressly specified in of this License.

6.2. The Company is not liable due to an offense, as well as in other cases, to the User or third parties for any damage or loss (taking into account indirect, actual, subsequent), including, without limitation, any damage or loss in relation to income from commercial activities, lost profits, goodwill, damaged or lost data or documentation incurred by a person as a result of or in connection with the use of the Application, even if the Company became aware of the possibility of such damage.

6.3. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Program (including Data) and / or losses incurred by the User and / or third parties as a result of any use, non-use or inability to use the Program (including Data) or its individual components and / or functions, including due to possible errors or malfunctions in their work, with the exception of cases expressly provided for by law.

6.4. The Copyright Holder has the right to interrupt the operation of the Application in order to optimize its operation, eliminate problems in the operation of the Application, configure the Application, as well as in other cases at the discretion of the Copyright Holder.

6.5. All questions and complaints related to the use / inability to use the Program, as well as a possible violation of the legislation and / or rights of third parties by the Program, should be sent in text form to the email address:

6.6. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program are governed by the laws of the Russian Federation.

6.7. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees that if the court finds the company guilty, the civil liability of the Company is limited to a maximum payment of 5,000 rubles. The user is notified and he knows that the Company is obliged to pay only direct damage and only on the basis of a court decision. Lost profits are non-refundable.

7. Consent to receive information and advertising

7.1. When using the Application, the User confirms that he is the legal owner of the mobile device (s) on which (which) the Application is installed. He is also a registered and legal user of communication services, mobile radiotelephone communications or telematic services, allowing you to use the data transfer capabilities to use the Application and identify the User as the user of the Application.

7.2. The User unconditionally agrees that the Company has the right to inform the User about the procedure and methods for using the Application, about marketing, advertising and other events held by the Company, about the conditions for purchasing and consuming third-party services using the Application, by sending messages, including those containing advertising, to a mobile phone, computer or other device, including using a communication network, in any way available to the Copyright Holder. Acceptance of the terms of this Agreement means the unconditional consent of the User with the specified right of the Company and the receipt of the specified messages by the User.

8. Privacy

8.1. The Parties (the Copyright Holder and the User) undertake to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection and security of information and documents exchanged in the Application or which are available to the Parties in connection with the use of the Application.

8.2. The user undertakes to independently take all necessary measures to maintain confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use and protect his data from unauthorized access by third parties. The user undertakes not to disclose his data to third parties if such data relates to the use of the Application.

8.3. In order to prevent unauthorized use and protect his data from unauthorized access by third parties, the User undertakes to independently install anti-virus software on technical devices and maintain his timely update used by him to access the Application. If the User does not use anti-virus software, use of unlicensed (illegally acquired) anti-virus software or untimely update of anti-virus software will entail the receipt by third parties of unauthorized access to the User's data. The Company is not liable for damage caused to the User and / or third parties.

· 8.4. The Company undertakes to maintain confidentiality in relation to personal data, as well as other information that has become known to it in connection with the use of the Application, unless:

· such information is publicly available;
• information is disclosed at the request or with the permission of the User;
• information is to be provided to the User's counterparties to the extent necessary to fulfill the terms of the Agreement;
• information requires disclosure on the grounds stipulated by law, or on suspicious transactions, or upon receipt of relevant requests from the court or authorized state bodies.

8.5. The user assumes the obligation not to carry out illegal operations, illegal trade and any other operations through the Application in violation of the laws of the Russian Federation.

8.6. The Company undertakes to exercise appropriate control over the accounting and storage of the confidentiality of the User's personal data.

8.7. The Application will have access to the settings of the mobile Internet and, possibly, to the data that the User receives and stores.

8.8. The Application will have access to the account data and / or User profile on the device. The application can perform the following actions: search for accounts on the device, view the contact details of the User, gain access to the user's geodata.

9. Updates / new versions of the Program

9.1. This License applies to all subsequent updates / new versions of the Program, if such updates / new versions do not contain the amended provisions of the License (not accompanied by a new license agreement).

9.2. By agreeing to install the update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms of the License in the current version for the relevant updates / new versions of the Program, including if the update / installation of a new version of the Program is accompanied by a new license agreement.

9.3. The provisions of the License may be changed by the Copyright Holder without any special notice, the new edition of the documents comes into force from the moment of their publication, unless otherwise provided by the edition itself.

9.4. Depending on the requirements of companies manufacturing electronic devices, mobile devices and computers, as well as Google, Apple and Microsoft, as well as other manufacturers of electronic equipment, software manufacturers, data storage and processing centers, the Company may change the configuration of the Application and its legal regime use for the proper use of the Application. In connection with the above, the configuration and operation of the Application on one device may differ from the configuration and operation on another device.

10. Other terms and conditions

10.1. The company is developing and implementing additional security measures for the use of applications. Information can be posted on the app's website at

10.2. The company has the right to access the use of applications for the period of elimination of violations.

10.3. Disputes shall be settled through negotiations between the Parties.

10.4. The User's claim must contain the following information:

• date and time of occurrence of the circumstances regarding which the claim is filed;
• conditions for the occurrence of such circumstances;
• content of requirements;
• contact information (last name, first name, patronymic, passport data, registration address, phone, email address)

10.5. In the event of failure to reach a mutual agreement through negotiations within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the presentation of a claim by one of the Parties to the other Party, all disputes, disagreements or claims arising from this Agreement or in connection with it, including regarding its execution, violation , termination or invalidity, shall be subject to judicial settlement in court at the location of the Company.

10.6. The Company has the right to unilaterally amend the Agreement by posting on the Web site a new text containing such changes or by posting it in the Appendix. Changes come into force from the moment of such placement, unless another deadline for the entry into force of the changes is additionally determined upon publication of the current text of the Agreement. In case of disagreement with the amendment of the terms of the Agreement, the User has the right to refuse to execute it by removing the Application.

10.7. The Company has the right to terminate the Agreement in case of violation by the User of the terms of the Agreement or for other reasons stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.8. The User guarantees that all the conditions of the Agreement are clear to him and he accepts the conditions without reservation and in full. The user guarantees that he will not use the Application for any other purposes than those indicated in the text of the Agreement.

10.9. The Agreement is an integral part of the program and is considered concluded from the moment the Application is installed on an electronic device. The Agreement may be terminated by the User at any time by deleting the Application. In this case, the Agreement is considered terminated after 7 days from the date of removal of the Application. The Agreement may be terminated at any time by the Company - by removing the Application from the databases and available download resources, including from the Company's website, Internet resources of the Play Market, AppStore mobile applications. After removal of the Application, the Company cannot guarantee the correct operation of the Application

10.10. The material and procedural law of the Russian Federation shall apply to the relations of the Parties under this Agreement regardless of the citizenship and place of residence of the User.

10.11. The parties undertake to comply with the rules of Google, Apple and Microsoft, in addition to this agreement, if the use of the Application is impossible without using the software of these companies.

10.12. The Company is not responsible for the actions / omissions of the User, which may be considered as violating Russian and / or international law, including in the field of civil, tax, administrative, criminal law and other branches of law: registration of legal entities, registration of entrepreneurial activity, payment of taxes , obtaining permission to engage in a certain activity, violation of intellectual property, copyright and / or related rights, as well as any actions / omissions, cat rye or may lead to a breach of Russian and / or international law. The user is solely responsible for violation of Russian and / or international law to third parties and / or authorized bodies.

· 10.13. The application is free for the User. The relationship between the user of the application free of charge.

· 10.14. When using the Application, the user is prohibited from:
· • mislead Users about their identity using the username and password of another registered User;
· • upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use any information that: contains threats, discredits, insults, defames the honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains foul language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minorscontains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals; contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it; propagandizes and / or promotes incitement to racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, propagates fascism or ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; propagandizes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines on the commission of criminal acts, contains information of limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the privacy of third parties; contains advertisements or describes the attractiveness of drug use, including "digital drugs" (sound files that affect the human brain through binaural beats), information on the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and tips for using; is fraudulent; and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of Russian law;

· • illegally upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use the intellectual property of Users and third parties;
· • carry out mass mailing of messages without the consent of the Users of the Application;
· • use the software and carry out actions aimed at violating the normal functioning of the Application and its services or the personal pages of Users;
· • download, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use viruses, trojans and other malicious software;
· • use automated scripts (programs) without special permission from the Copyright Holder to collect information in the Application and (or) interact with the Application and its services;
· • in any way, including, but not limited to, by deceit, breach of trust, hacking, to try to access the username and password of another User;
· • carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons;
· • carry out (try to get) access to any services in any other way, except through the interface provided by the Application, with the exception of cases when such actions were expressly authorized by the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder;
• reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, carry out trading operations and resell services for any purpose, except when such actions were expressly authorized by the User in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement with the Copyright Holder;
• post any other information which, according to personal opinion, the right holder, is undesirable, does not meet the objectives of creating applications, prejudicial to the interests of users or for other reasons is not desirable to place in the Appendix.

10.15. The User is personally responsible for any information that he places in the Appendix, reports to other Users, as well as for any interactions with other Users that are carried out at his own risk.

10.16. Inaction on the part of the Rightholder in case of violation by the User or other Users of the provisions of this Agreement does not deprive the Rightholder of the right to take appropriate actions to protect his interests later, and also does not mean the Rightholder renounces his rights in case of subsequent similar or similar violations.

Publication date: 26.11. 2019
© LLC "Sreda Capital", 2019